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HD Picture Hubble ACS WFPC2 Image of Globular Cluster M13
Other > Pictures
21.33 MB

hubble nasa esa acs wfpc2 globular cluster m13 space
+5 / -10 (-5)

Dec 4, 2008

like the last jpg and huge :)

format                  jpg
size                    6360x6360

About the Object  	
Object Name: 	        M13, NGC 6205
Object Description: 	Globular Cluster
Position (J2000): 	R.A. 16h 41m 41s.63
                        Dec. +36° 27' 40".72
Constellation: 	        Hercules
Distance: 	        25,000 light-years (7.6 kiloparsecs)
Dimensions: 	        This image is roughly 4.9 arcminutes (36 light-years or 11 ________________________parsecs) wide.

About the Data 	
HST Proposal: 	        8174 	8278 	10349 	10775
Science Team:         	W. van Altena (Yale University) 	
                        C. Bailyn     (Yale University) 
                        W. Lewin      (MIT) 	
                        A. Sarajedini (University of Florida)

Instrument: 	        WFPC2 	WFPC2 	ACS 	ACS

Filters: 	        F555W (V) 	F555W (V), 
                        F814W (I) 	F435W (B) 	
                        F555W (V),      F814W (I) 

Exposure Dates: 	April 2000 	November 1999 	August 2005 	April 2006

About the Release 	
Release Credit: 	NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
                        Acknowledgment 	C. Bailyn (Yale University), W. Lewin     _______________________(Massachusetts Institute of Technology), A. Sarajedini _______________________(University of Florida), and W. van Altena (Yale University)

Release Date:         	December 4, 2008


The image is a composite of separate exposures made by the ACS and WFPC2 instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope. Several filters were used to sample broad wavelengths. The color results from assigning different hues (colors) to each monochromatic image. In this case, the assigned colors are:

ACS 	F814W (I) 	red
ACS 	F555W (V) 	green
ACS 	F435W (B) 	blue
WFPC2 	F814W (I) 	yellow/orange
WFPC2 	F555W (V) 	cyan/blue

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yeah minus 8...
Other info:

In the wikipedia article They estimate M13's age as 14 billion years, although the universe itself is now recognized by most astronomers as being roughly 13.7 billion years. In any case, the thing is very old, nearly the age of the universe itself.

A somewhat better source:

"Towards its center, stars are about 500 times more concentrated than in the solar neighborhood."

Even so, the stars just about never collide with each other.

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